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Ep 36. How to Build Automaticity with Math Facts:
A Practical Guide (solo episode) 

The transcript for this episode is here.

You can listen to the episode here: Chalk & Talk Podcast.


Interventions discussed in the episode 


Instructional hierarchy 


Incremental rehearsal demonstration


Cover, Copy, Compare worksheets


Taped problems audio & worksheets


Explicit timing worksheets


Grade level milestones 


Areas of understanding by grade (Spring Math)


MIND Critical Skill Scope & Sequence by Grade


Supporting research 


Codding, R. S., Shiyko, M., Russo, M., Birch, S., Fanning, E., & Jaspen, D. (2007). Comparing mathematics interventions: Does initial level of fluency predict intervention effectiveness? Journal of School Psychology, 45(6), 603-617.  


Codding, R. S., Vanderheyden, A., Martin, R., Desai, S., Allard, N. & Perrault, L. (2016). Manipulating Treatment Dose: Evaluating the Frequency of a Small Group Intervention Targeting Whole Number Operations. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice. 31. 208-220.  


Duhon, G. & Poncy, B. & Krawiec, C., Davis, R., Ellis-Hervey, N. & Skinner, C. (2020). Toward a More Comprehensive Evaluation of Interventions: A Dose-Response Curve Analysis of an Explicit Timing Intervention. School Psychology Review. 51. 1-11. 10.1080/2372966X.2020.1789435.  


Hartman, J. R., Hart, S., Nelson, E. A., & Kirschner, P. A. (2023). Designing mathematics standards in agreement with science. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 18(3).


Kleinert, W., Codding, R., Minami, T. & Gould, K. (2018). A Meta-analysis of the Taped Problems Intervention. Journal of Behavioral Education. 27. 10.1007/s10864-017-9284-5. 


McCallum, E., Skinner, C., Turner, H., & Saecker, L. (2006). The Taped-Problems Intervention: Increasing Multiplication Fact Fluency Using a Low-Tech, Classwide, Time-Delay Intervention. School Psychology Review. 35.  


Nist, L., & Laurice M. J. (2008). Effectiveness and efficiency of flashcard drill instructional methods on urban first-graders' word recognition, acquisition, maintenance, and generalization. School Psychology Review. 37(3). 294-308. 


​Burns, M. K. (2005). Using Incremental Rehearsal to Increase Fluency of Single-Digit Multiplication Facts with Children Identified as Learning Disabled in Mathematics Computation. Education and Treatment of Children, 28(3), 237–249.


Poncy, B. & Skinner, C. & McCallum, E. (2012). A comparison of class-wide taped problems and cover, copy, and compare for enhancing mathematics fluency. Psychology in the Schools. 49. 10.1002/pits.21631.   â€‹â€‹


Schutte, G. M., Duhon, G. J., Solomon, B. G., Poncy, B. C., Moore, K., & Story, B. (2015). A comparative analysis of massed vs. distributed practice on basic math fact fluency growth rates. Journal of School Psychology, 53(2), 149-159.


Skinner, C. (2008). Theoretical and Applied Implications of Precisely Measuring Learning Rates. School Psychology Review. 37. 10.1080/02796015.2008.12087878. 


Stickney, E., Sharp, L., & Kenyon, A. (2012). Technology-Enhanced Assessment of Math Fact Automaticity: Patterns of Performance for Low and Typically Achieving Students. Assessment for Effective Intervention. 37. 84-94.  â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹


Credit to Brian Poncy and Jazmin Boisclair for this helpful resource page.

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