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Transcripts & 

Ep. 1 Math & the Myth of Ability with John Mighton
Ep. 2 Evidence-based teaching strategies with Paul Kirschner
Ep. 3 The science of math with Amanda VanDerHeyden
Ep. 4 Cognitive load theory with Greg Ashman
Ep. 5 Critical issues in education with Matt Henderson
Ep. 6 Math teaching tips with Barry Garelick & JR Wilson
Ep 7. How to excel in math and other tough subjects with Barbara Oakley
Ep 8. Lessons from around the world with Lucy Crehan
Ep 9. The tweet that roared with Tom Bennett
Ep 10. Maximizing learning through explicit instruction with Zach Groshell
Ep 11. California's math controversy with Jelani Nelson Part I
Ep 12. California's math controversy with Jelani Nelson Part II
Ep 13. Powerful teaching with Patrice Bain
Ep 14. How stress impacts learning with Dan Rosen
Ep 15. Modern relevance in the math curriculum with Brian Conrad
Ep 16. Applying cognitive science to education with Daniel Willingham
Ep 17. Do timed tests cause math anxiety? with Robin Codding
Ep 18. Education myth busting with Daisy Christodoulou
Ep 19. The Calculus Project with Adrian Mims
Ep 20. Reading and math: parallels and pitfalls with Matthew Burns
Ep 21. The right to learn math with Daniel Ansari
Ep 22. Mindsets and educational misconceptions with Carl Hendrick
Ep 23. â€‹Red flags in education research with Ben Solomon
Ep 24. Raising student achievement with Dylan Wiliam
Ep 25. Understanding math reform ideology with Tom Loveless
Ep 26. Cognitive load theory in math class with David Morkunas
Ep 27. Using evidence in education with Pamela Snow
Ep 28. Autism and math with Katharine Beals
Ep 29. Math fact crisis: strategies for improving numeracy with Brian Poncy
Ep 30. Math fluency matters with Brian Poncy
Ep 31. Exploring evidence for equitable education with Nidhi Sachdeva and Jim Hewitt
Ep 32. Identifying and educating advanced students with Jonathan Plucker 
Ep 33. Educational leadership: improving math and literacy with Scott Hill
Ep 34. Transforming education through behaviour science with Kimberly Berens

Ep. 34 Transcript

Ep. 34 Resources


Ep 35. Preparing for post-secondary math with Darja Barr and Dan Wolczuk

Ep. 35 Transcript

Ep. 35 Resources


Ep 36. How to Build Automaticity with Math Facts: A Practical Guide (solo episode)

Ep. 36 Transcript

Ep. 36 Resources


Ep 37. Homework that works with Jo Castelino

Ep. 37 Transcript

Ep. 37 Resources


Ep 38. Boosting attention and learning with Blake Harvard

Ep. 38 Transcript

Ep. 38 Resources


Ep 39. Project Follow Through: Direct Instruction's overlooked success with Marcy Stein 

Ep. 39 Transcript

Ep. 39 Resources


Ep 40. From math to science: How weak math skills hurt students with Therese Markow  

Ep. 40 Transcript

Ep. 40 Resources


Ep 41. Students with math difficulties: What NCTM/CEC got wrong with Sarah Powell 

Ep. 41 Transcript

Ep. 41 Resources


Anna Stokke

Department of Mathematics & Statistics

The University of Winnipeg

515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba

Canada R3B 2E9


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